Q: When can I enroll officially online for 2023-24?
A: The new 4-H year has begun - enroll anytime but do so before February 15, 2024!
4H-Online enrollment can be accessed here.
The enrollment deadline is February 15, 2024
Prior to enrolling online, there are a few steps we recommend you follow.
- You need to be a part of a community 4-H club! If you don't belong to a club, call the Extension Office and we can help you!
- Make sure the leader of the club you want to join knows you are interested!
- Consider some of these basic rules of joining a club:
- The expectations for membership are a balance of 4-H project work, involvement in a club, participation in activities and events, and working towards improving one’s personal growth. 4-H members and their parents / guardians are also expected to abide by the Ohio 4-H Code of Conduct throughout the year, and sign off on this Code as part of the annual membership process.
- Each member shall attend at least 5 of the club’s meetings, activities, service projects, and trips. If this attendance requirement is not met, the youth will not be able to show their animal or participate in judging. The youth will not receive credit for completing a year of 4-H, will not receive a fair pass, or be allowed to exhibit a project at fair or judging (no livestock at fair, no participating in judging, and no premium).
- Members are required to pay a $15.00 per person fee by the June 1 deadline. Cloverbuds are required to pay a $10.00 per person fee by the June 1 deadline.
To see all the available projects, CLICK HERE!
We have developed two job aids to assist you:
If a 4-H youth is listed as "Archived," you must contact the Extension Office to be reactivated for reenrollment. See example below: