4-H OSU Career/college exploration day

WHO:           Scioto, Adams, Jackson, Pike, Lawrence, and Gallia 4-H Teens

WHAT:         Career and College Exploration at The Ohio State University

WHERE:      Ohio State University Campus, Columbus, OH

WHEN:        Thursday, April 25, 2024

The six-county area has received a grant to take a group of 4-H members from southern Ohio on an official tour of the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Science and The Ohio State University. The tour will include meeting with ambassadors and staff to talk about potential majors and careers, admissions, university life, lunch in the Ohio Union, and a tour of labs, facilities, possibly dorms and other parts of campus.

Each of the counties are invited to send participants who are interested in learning more about the College and Ohio State, as a whole. We will be taking Ohio State University charter buses and do career exploration activities on the ride to campus. There will be reflection and evaluation on the way home.

The grant will cover all expenses for the educational bus trip to and from Columbus, as well as lunch and educational materials for all participants.

One bus will pick up students from the Scioto County Fairgrounds at 7:45 a.m., and then will make a stop at the Pike County Fairgrounds at 8 a.m., on the way to Columbus. A second bus will begin at the Gallia County Extension Office at 7:45 a.m. and make a stop at the Jackson County Office around 8:15 a.m. As part of this educational trip, students will be asked to explore potential majors based on their interests and strengths. The bus will return to Pike County by 5:30 p.m. and Scioto County at approximately 5:45 p.m. The second bus will stop in Jackson about 5:15 p.m. and Gallia County approximately 5:45 p.m.

We will need an exact count of students from each county as we are making plans for lunch and supplies. To register, contact the Pike County Extension Office at 740-289-4837 or email bauman.67@osu.edu with the member name and age by 12 noon, Monday, April 15. A health form and a transportation form and must be completed and brought on the day of the trip. Chaperones for the trip will include Extension Educators Jo Williams, Abbie Mowen, Erin Dailey, Kristy Watters, Maddie Allman, Rachael Fraley, and Joy Bauman.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact your 4-H Educator.

Event sponsored by Scioto County 4-H and a grant from the Ohio 4-H Foundation.


Hello Pike County 4-H Teens!

I have several reminders for you of important upcoming dates. Please read through this entire email.

  • Counselor Apps are due February 1. Apply at http://go.OSU.edu/ALPCounselorApp Must be at least 14 years old by January 1, 2024. Being a camp counselor is one of the best skill-development experiences you can have as a teen! Several of our counselors from last year have aged out of 4-H, so we would love to have some NEW counselors. While having past 4-H camping experience is fantastic, it is not a requirement. Contact Joy if you have any questions.
  • Teen Winter Retreat at Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp is coming up next weekend, Saturday February 3 (registration 3-4 p.m.) through Sunday, February 4 (checkout at 10 a.m.). Cost is $40. Must complete registration at http://go.osu.edu/TeenWinterRetreat
  • Making eXtreme Counselors Statewide Counselor Training Workshop is Friday, February 24 and Saturday, February 25 at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus. Cost is $65 (includes t-shirt and swag) and will be refunded to you by the Pike County 4-H Committee once you have attended the training and successfully counseled at camp in 2024. Registration is due by Friday, January 26. Attending this would count toward required camp counselor training hours. Contact Joy if you plan to attend so I can get you registered.
  • If you are of know a college student who would be interested in working as a Summer Staff Intern this summer at Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp, see a position description and apply at https://4HCantersCave.OSU.edu/employment. Applications are DUE April 15.  Housing and meals are included. College credit opportunities are available. Questions? Contact Michelle Stumbo, Camp Board Personnel Chair, at stumbo.5@osu.edu or 740-691-6010.
  • Scholarships applications are Due February 1.  Pike County 4-H Advisory Committee, Ohio Valley Bank, Vancil Brown Memorial Scholarship, Pike County 4-H Apple Pie Scholarship, Backhills Bunch 4-H Club Scholarship, Pike County Agricultural Society, and R.O. McFerren Memorial Scholarship all-in-one applicationPike County 4-H Alumni Club Scholarship. Ron Pennington Memorial Scholarship. Ohio 4-H Achievement Award Applications are due February 1.
  • Pike County 4-H Teen Ambassadors: Join us for fun with fellow 4-H teens! Let Joy know if you have any questions about Teen Ambassadors. We would love to have you participate!
  • The Ohio 4-H Teen and Volunteer Conference is Saturday, March 9. Learn more about this fantastic opportunity at this link: https://ohio4h.org/events/ohio-4-h-conference  We will be taking a group from Pike County and organizing carpooling. Contact the Extension office before February 1 if you want to register. It is a great opportunity to get new ideas and get energized for the 4-H year. We have a limited amount of funds available to help offset the $40 registration fee for TEENS who want to go to the state conference. Adult volunteers would need to pay their own way. If you want to go, contact me as soon as possible so we can get your registration entered before all the sessions you want to attend fill up.


If you have any questions about any of these items, reach out to me at bauman.67@osu.edu, or call me at 740-289-4837.  There are so many wonderful opportunities for 4-H teens; I hope you take advantage of them!



Some might ask, “What is leadership?” Leadership is a set of skills, including the ability to inspire and motivate others, to communicate effectively, to take initiative, to make plans and execute them, and much more. These skills are important, now more than ever. Not long ago all it took to have a comfortable career was to do well in high school, get a college degree, and find a nice stable job. Unfortunately the world is changing rapidly and now teen are finding they have to do more.

So the question then is asked, “How, how can I do more?”  For those who read this article the answer to the question can be found here. 4-H holds the key to teen leadership development. 

  • The first opportunity for Pike County teens is being a part Carteens. Carteens is an organization that is dedicated to educating first time traffic offenders about the dangers of unsafe driving. Carteens provide quarterly court appointed traffic classes and biannual school enhancement programs to driving age youth of Pike County. Carteens will allow youth to take a leadership role in helping mentor their peers about making good decisions.  As a member of Carteens youth will be able to give valuable input into the restructure of the program so that it will better meet the needs in the community.
  • If you know a teen who likes working with younger 4-H members, the outdoors, leading camp songs, and being on the planning end of things then please encourage them to consider the camp counselor experience. Any 4-H’er who has every had the opportunity to spend a week at 4-H camp can agree it is a trip full of great moments. Download your application here.
  • For those teens that enjoy creating an original recipe or searching for that perfect pattern for a new sewing project the Family and Consumer Science (FCS) Teen Board just might be the perfect fit for them.  The FCS Board meets several times a year to plan for FCS judging, awards ceremonies, a FCS fair booth, fair stage decorations, and attend 1 education trip. 
  • So you might be thinking I’m not interested in any of those opportunities but I still need something to put on my college scholarship application.  A big part of 4-H is the Pike County Fair, which is a lot of work but is also very fun and rewarding! Junior Fair Board members have an important role at the fair. The Junior Fair Board is an organization designed to include youth of our county in the fair. Junior Fair Board members help organize events, gather ideas for the annual fair and help maintain the grounds for the fair as well as serving our community throughout the year.

Contact your club leader or 4-H educator for more information.